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Mazda FC RX-7 Drift Assetto Corsa

Mazda FC RX-7 Drift Assetto Corsa
Original: Hoonigan Mazda RX-7 Twerkstallion (Forza Motorsport 7)
Needs Custom Shaders Patch to work, version 0.1.60 or newer! https://acstuff.ru/patch/Mazda FC RX-7 Drift Assetto Corsa SpecsIN GAME OPTIONS:
  • Extra A is set for neon lighhts (ctrl+) numpad 7 is default key some need to use crtl+ and some without!
  • Extra B is set to remove the hood (ctrl+) numpad 8 is default key some need to use crtl+ and some without!
  • Extra C is set to give the middle finger (ctrl+) numpad 9 is default key some need to use crtl+ and some without!
  • Extra D is set to open the drivers door + (not the numpad one) is default key !
Mazda FC RX-7 Drift Assetto CorsaMazda FC RX-7 Drift Assetto Corsa HelmetsMazda FC RX-7 Drift Assetto CorsaCREDITS:
  • Made skinnable, Shaders, textures and edit’s by LoW-LiFE aka PoTatO dR!FT3R | DRiFT MAF!A.
  • Ebisu Mountain leaflet by westereq.
  • Rims by JSI Ueno.
  • Ao mapped exterior, interior and engine by LoW-LiFE.
  • Driver suits, gloves and helmets that match cars skin by LoW-LiFE.
  • CSP interior pbr materials and config’s by LoW-LiFE.
  • Skins by Street Style Garage and LoW-LiFE.


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5 (4 votes)